Hilarious Stories Of Cats That Entered Home And Never Left.
July 12, 2022
Sometimes we chose a cat and other times the cat chose us. No matter how much we may like a cat, if the cat doesn’t approve of us, we do not stand a chance with it. It would hiss, scratch and even bite just to express its feelings about a certain human. Trying to get to know a cat is not an easy thing. A cat is like an open book at the same time a very complicated puzzle that is nearly impossible to solve. In our attempt to befriend a cat, we start giving it food. Thinking maybe it would just jump into our lap or walk into our home with us one day. Unfortunately, it’s like waiting for a ship at the airport if the cat doesn’t want us to be it’s human. They would eat the food, hiss at us and leave.
Although a cat is an extremely private animal with an introverted nature, sometimes it would let its guards down and let us be close to it. It would lightly sniff our hands and reach out to us with its paws, demanding to be petted. When a cat likes us, it just starts to hang out with us. Whether we like it or not, it would start visiting us at our home, start to sit on our furniture, clothing and even our laps. One day you would find it sleeping on your fresh laundry and even playing with random objects around the house. That’s how we know that we are the chosen ones. A cat may find a house and call it her home. We have complied 23 hilarious stories of cats that entered the home and never left. Scroll down and check them out.
“2 months later as I picked it up from the street, I can’t understand why no one wanted this big ball of love”