21 Cats That Have Their Own Definition Of Logic And We Can Never Understand Them
July 13, 2022
At times, we can’t comprehend what our animals are thinking. We don’t understand what they are trying to do. These innocent buddies are at times unable to express their feelings, desires, or wants, maybe because they are just being themselves living with their own logic. A logic, that is out of this world, and even scientists are struggling to understand.
If you have a pet, you may be familiar with the logic we’re referring to. Whether it’s a cat resting on a fence, a kitten sipping from the bird’s bowl, or two doggos sleeping in the same bed despite having different beds, their reasoning is illogical. Anyway, these creatures are just perfect and don’t care about anyone; they simply live the moment as they like. They don’t care what other people think of them.
So, we’ve gathered some hilarious logic from these creatures, and to be honest, we have no idea what they were thinking while behaving so weirdly. So, keep scrolling to see these lovely animals with their own reasoning!
1. Just pretending to be a bat!
“That’s my swing!”
2. Walking upside down is fun…
“Oh, it seems I’m stuck.”