Dog Got Crooked Paws After Having Its Tail Cut Off As A Puppy, Is Finally Rescued
July 12, 2022
With his deformed paws, Luck the dog has spent most of his life on the streets, in too much pain to walk. His situation was extremely complicated, and when they found him, the rescuers had no idea how he had managed to stay alive for so long.
The dog was rushed to a veterinary clinic after being rescued, where it underwent a series of tests to determine what was causing its paws to twist. His tail had been cut off when he was a puppy, according to an X-ray. This caused in an injury that prevented his paws from straightening out.
The bones in this area of the dog’s body are known as caudal vertebrae, and they are connected to other tissues. Pets transmit vital information through their tails and ears. The animal suffers greatly as a result of this practice. It caused a malformation in Luck’s paws. It’s possible that the person in charge did so without following standard operating procedures.
Rescuers determined that the dog would require surgery as well as months of treatment. Luck would spend a lot of time at the clinic because of his condition. Furthermore, the medical bills associated with the surgery would be substantial. Nothing, however, could stop his rescuers from completing their mission of rehabilitating the dog and allowing him to live a normal life.
Doctors offered two options in this situation: surgery for both paws or physical therapy sessions. A canine bone specialist was contacted by the veterinary clinic, who recommended a cast rather than surgery. It wasn’t just any mold, though; it was a prosthesis that could help him improve by up to 60%.
So the dog was put under anesthesia, the vets realigned his bones, and the recovery process began. Although the process is painful, Luck has proven to be a brave individual. He desired a normal life more than anyone else and would go to any length to obtain it.
The dog’s treatment is lengthy, but he is fortunate to have the support of wonderful people as he embarks on a new life that will undoubtedly be much better.