17 People That Own More Than One Cat And Now They’re Dealing With The Consequences
July 12, 2022
People would give you a hundred reasons, why having two cats is better than one. But they sure don’t caution you about the crazy drama that’ll be going around the house 24⁄7. Having two kittos means double the trouble! Whatsoever, they still will always be our sweethearts… Two kitties will keep each other entertained and wouldn’t feel lonely, unlike a single loner kitty. But two feline minds working over forming a scheme can surely be a test of your patience. Cats who have partners at home are more social and playful, which means a boosted dose of cuddles and love.
Some cats get along well with each other, while others might give you a hard time when kept together. Make sure you’re having the right breeds which can be kept together at home. Some cats are more social than others, so they might feel as if the other cat member of the family is invading their personal space. This doesn’t necessarily always happen. But according to the researches, having two cats does have their benefits as well.
However, having more than one cat also means more hungry stares while you sit back and enjoy your pizza. Nothing beats the fun you’re going to have, with more cats around! Here are some cat parents explaining their bittersweet experiences of having more than one cat at home and it’s just hilarious!
1. “Cute when he was little. Not so funny now…”
Just needed some extra support for reaching out the jar…
2. “They really like this foam thing that came as protective packaging in a box.”
Boxes and anything which resembles a box is their favorite!