Hilarious Photos Of Cats Cats Who Are Unprepared For The Realities Of Parenthood
July 10, 2022
All females look forward to raising children at a certain point in life, whether they want to adopt one or give birth to one, is their personal choice. The life of “Motherhood” is not an easy one, no matter how prepared one might think they are, they still tend to miss out on a few loopholes which obviously come along with experience and being in the present moment with the child. However, for some mothers, it is an absolutely beautiful experience pre and post-pregnancy. They are the perfect planners who have everything planned out, they have contemplated all the possibilities that can take place.
While that is true for women, female cats are somewhat similar, they have their own cognitions that allow them to think all of it through. Their mommy instincts can get them tingled up to have the cutest kitten and raise them in the most sophisticated manner. While others, just are not able to comprehend the situation at hand, which can, in turn, result in “mommy burnout”, even for cats.
These pictures are a clear example of all the cats who are unprepared to face the realities of parenthood.
1. The annoyed face of feeling like a milk factory machine.
Via @BillieSunday24
2. Even with adoption, moms get tired of the hectic routine.
Via @AJromeda
3. The father cat just needs a couple, too many drinks to fade into his bachelor life.
Via @karmakkaze
4. The shenanigans that take place, thinking of the mother as a playground.
Via @mmdaviesostrom