Wholesome Stories Of Cats Who Just Got Adopted Recently
July 5, 2022
Reasons to adopt a cat.
You need reasons to adopt a cat? Seriously? Tell me a reason why NOT to adopt a cat? I mean, what’s not to love about them? They are cute and cuddly and they will give you unconditional love for the rest of their lives. Cats are energetic and lazy at the same time. So you can snuggle up with them when you’re sad. And you can also play and celebrate with them when you are happy. It’s a whole package. Why wouldn’t you want to improve your life by bringing home an adorable feline fur baby?
However, it isn’t always fun and games. With adoption comes a lot of responsibility. It is almost the same as adopting a child. You will have to take care of their food, health and everything else. Sure, it might seem overwhelming for a while, but it is definitely worth it in the end. Scroll down below to see wholesome stories of cats who just got adopted recently:
1. “Picking up our new kitten next week and got this picture from the current owner”
Via u/mzzzz1
2. “Our new loaf, Cinnamon”
Via u/skoobalaca
3. “My girlfriend and I decided to get a cat, and it’s been the best decision yet.”
Via u/JPlesner
4. “Just adopted this little granny today. She’s old so she’s a grandmother “
Via u/o_oana
5. “Juno just joined our family and got comfortable really quickly.”
Via u/StizzyP
6. “After losing my beloved cat in June to FeLV, I decided to adopt this handsome fella on Monday. Meet Oliver!”
7. “Adopted a new friend yesterday. This was his first night at his new home”
Via u/MajorLeeEvil
8. “Got a new friend. Friend found this little guy, vet said he’s healthy and now he’s happy cuz he’s got a home. His name is Lucipurr, he only weighed 1 pound 7 ounces.”
Via u/cabezadegaio
9. “Oscar was our neighbour’s cat and he loves to visit us. This morning she told me he needed to be rehomed and asked if we would take him. So, now I get to be his real mom! He is a native of Maryland, he is 5 years old, and he loves tuna.”
Via u/JustSayJulie79
10. “My new God son.”
11. “Io Has Been With Me For 2 Days, and He’s Already Sleeping On My Belly”
Via u/te_monkey
12. “We brought home our new babies yesterday! Meet Felix & Vera”
Via u/Blancs19847
13. “Someone abandoned this cutie pie on a busy road. Was just in time to save him”
Via u/MyrddinW177
14. “Roommate rescued from sewer. I guess we have a kitten now.”
Via u/frannieprice
15. “The local shelter only lets you adopt kittens in pairs. I’m starting to see why”
16. “The day I found him scared and alone taking shelter under my car vs today. :)”
Via u/NiCallahan
17. “Alfred coming home from the shelter “
Via u/ABBR-5007
18. “After 45 cat-less years, Louie changed all that!”
Via u/jendragon
19. “My friend just got his first cat, meet Puddin”
Via u/teufelweich
20. “I adopted Penny (8y) 3 days ago. She’s perfect!”
Via u/gariepydj
21. “Today I adopted a stray kitten. Meet Astrid”
Via u/CloudPink
22. “Everyone, meet Izzy! I just went to pick her up and she’s already playing!”
Via u/Jamie_Moriarty
23. “Meet our new baby, Minnie!!”
Via u/ElizabethM1789
24. “We adopted a purrito.”
Via u/Jizen0x01
25. “I finally adopted these two nuggets after 13 years of wanting to get a cat! Meet Lily and Leo!”
Via u/SkyeoMalley
26. “Adopted him about an hour ago .. and he’s already making himself right at home.”
Via u/allllieee
27. “Just adopted this 10 year old floofy boi Cooper”
Via u/rnarauders
28. “My husband said no more cats, and then she showed up in our backyard. Now we have 3 cats. Meet Lúthien.”
Some adopted cats might take a little time to settle in their new homes. That is mostly because they have been through so much pain and trauma that they have developed trust issues. They need a little bit of time to believe in someone again. But trust me, it is definitely worth it because they will love you more than anything else in this world.
29. “This old lady, my newly adopted senior cat, screamed and cried all the way to her first vet appt today. But she’s happy to report she’s very healthy, just a little tubby”
Via u/jayembee01
30. “We just adopted our 11 year old boy today and was told he’d take a few days to settle in and get used to us. Within ten minutes he was on our knees and wanting all the attention. Welcome home Winston”
Via u/sujuchaz
31. “I wanted to adopt a kitten but I ended up with two since they were remaining littermates. I named them Leviticus and Astraea”
32. “Adopted a one-eyed cat today. Everyone say hi to Nick Furry”
Via u/stirge_jr
33. “I can finally adopt a cat, it’s one of the happiest days of my life. Welcome home Apolo”
Via u/ZibraMax
34. “I’ve wanted a cat my entire life but never had one of my own… until now! Today my partner & I adopted this sweet boy 🙂 Welcome home, Haku!!”
35. “I adopted to kittens for the first time today and one is definitely already settled in”
Via u/funnycatlovrr
36. “He gave his best “I GOT ADOPTED” mew on the way home”
Via u/sammfrann
37. “My heart broke when I lost my 20-year-old guy in Jan, but I knew I had room in my heart and home for another senior handsome. Meet Beastie. He’s 12 and all kinds of handsome. He’s settling in nicely now, is a major snuggly Momma’s boy, and has even figured out his cat door!”
Via u/msmackay
38. “Meet my new son, Chalupa Batman”
Via u/Brickx71
39. “The deal was I could adopt him if my boyfriend got to name him..meet TunaTron. Tuna for short.”
Via u/loveheartjess
40. “This little guy moved in with us yesterday! Everyone, meet Jack”
Via u/nonina144
41. “I was 2nd in line but the initial adopter backed out so I’m adopting Walter tomorrow!”
Via u/gabawhee
42. “You could say he’s pretty excited to be adopted!”
Via u/legobagel23
43. “Just adopted my first cat! Everyone meet Billi!”
Via u/sruffy
44. “A bath isn’t the best introduction to his new home but someone pooped all over himself on the way. Meet a damp but clean Mochi.”
Via u/aquamarina2
45. “Just adopted this gorgeous lady. She rode like this the whole way home.”
Via u/Minibearden
46. “New fam! Our 2 sons freshly adopted.”
Via u/VentureKitty
47. I adopted two kittens last week, and I think Mitzy is finally accepting me”
Via u/beckyemm
48. “Adopted this handsome boy today!”
49. “Meet Winter, my sister’s new cat”
Via u/susanti84
50. “After 23 years I finally got a pet! Meet Ringo everyone”
Via u/SionOP
51. “I just adopted this 8 years old beauty in PETCO”
Via u/Gtamerboy
52. “She is very small, and has no money, so you can imagine the amount of stress she’s under. Meet Binx, our new adoption.”
Via u/ZeroHourHero
53. “Found this little guy hiding under my car & decided to take him in. Everybody meet Yoshi!”
Via u/Matlock_24
54. “Rescued this feral kitten. Meet Biscuit!”
55. “When we got them the shelter said they *had* to be adopted together. They demonstrate why on a daily basis.”
Via u/Shuuk
56. “We adopted another cat today! Say Hello to Poppy Seed!”
Via u/FragSinatra17
What did you think of these adorable and happy faces? Let us know your thoughts about adoption in the comments below!