19 Images That Prove Life Is Amazing With Two Cats
July 12, 2022
The more, the merrier!
Once you start adopting cats, there is no end to it. Cats are mostly perceived as independent creatures. They do whatever they like and they never listen to anyone. The only thing they need from their humans is food and cleaning their litter box. The rest of the day, the cats are on their own. They will find ways to entertain themselves or make themselves comfortable in places to sleep. However, no cat should live completely alone. Sometimes their human is not around to play with them and keep them company. This is where a second cat comes in! Yes, it does mean having more responsibility on your hands as you will have to pay double for their food and vaccinations etc but trust me when I say it is worth it. Your cat will never feel lonely once the second cat comes in. It might take a few days for your first cat to adjust to their new sibling, but with time they will become the best of friends. Cats bond really well and they always look out for each other.
Once the second cat settles in, you will see them play around all the time. They will run through the entire house causing chaos, fight with each other and then cuddle and sleep together when they are tired of playing around. It is surely a very wholesome sight. Every cat needs a furry best friend. If one cat can bring so much joy in your life, imagine how much joy two cats could bring. I mean, double the fun, right? It might seem like a lot of work but it isn’t. Your time schedule for feeding the cats will stay the same as before and if one of the cats is asleep, you will always have the other to keep you company. Scroll down below to see some pictures that prove life is amazing with two cats.
1. That almost looks like a human hand. The black cat has no idea what’s coming.
2. “Ladybug in the bathroom?! Hunting mode activated!”