17 Adorable Animals Who Have Their Own Way Of Showing Love For Their Humans

July 12, 2022

When a pet starts sleeping in your lap or in your arms, it means they have started trusting you.

Animals are adorable and full of love but they would not just run to anyone and hug or sleep in their arms. It takes them a good time to trust their owners. With time, they start developing emotions for their humans and they like to display their emotions in their own way. They could either hug you, kiss you, sleep on your lap or maybe they would start looking in your eyes with love. Animals are just adorable and have so much love for their owners. We are sure, you also love animals so we have made a list of 17 adorable animals who have found their own way of showing love for their owners. So, without further ado, let’s start the list.

1. “My wife is three weeks away from her due date and our cats love snuggling her belly.”


© PlaymakerJavi / Reddit

Mama, let me give some hugs to the new baby.

2. “UPDATE: For everyone asking about the other cat snugging my wife’s pregnant belly, here he is. He was rubbing his face on her belly all evening. (Went to the doctor today, the baby could arrive any day now!)”


© PlaymakerJavi / Reddit

Cat: Human, let me provide all the love he deserves.

3. “This is how my wife and our cat sleep every night….”

© Lieutelant / Reddit

How cute is this!

4. “My brothers dog when I was going home.”

© smokedbowl / Reddit

Seems like he is in love with you. Boop the snoot.

5. “This is how my cat sleeps on me, found her 2 weeks ago.”


© Themaverique / Reddit

Just two weeks and how comfortable she is sleeping wit