10 Before-And-After Photos Of Kitties Growing Up Into Cats
July 10, 2022
Time flies quickly when you’re having fun.
We are often so engrossed in our daily routine that we don’t notice how quickly our pets grow up. In fact, if it weren’t for cameras we would never notice the difference at all. It’s quite hard to recall how someone used to look before when they are in front of you the whole time. That’s the same reason why people who see you a after a long time can accurately tell the difference.
While this is for everyone, this is especially true in the case of pets. Pets grow quicker than humans and while we are busy doing our things we almost forget how much they have grown. I mean, can you imagine the same little kitty that could once easily fit inside your palm is now a full sized chonky catto? Crazy how nature does that.
To show you just how much cats can change in a short time, we have curated the following before-and-after cat photos that you will fall in love with!
Smoothie Then vs Now.