14 Funny Cats Caught Red-Pawed Stealing Food
July 10, 2022
#1 We Got A Nugget Thief. Caught Red Nosed
Source: mrnoname929
#2 My Kitten Steals Everything, Including The Food In My Fridge
Source: reddit
#3 Smoked Fish Thief
#4 Determined Milk Thief
*Source:* Adrian Davies
#5 Milk Burglars
*Source:* onemillionpictures
#6 Sausage Burglar
*Source:* kotofoto
#7 Stealing The Leftover Pizza
*Source:* Jason Pointer
#8 The Face Of A Thief
*Source:* voidabrasax
#9 Cat Returns With Sausage Stolen From Unknown Neighbors BBQ
Source: erigunn