61 Cats Who Just Realized That Their Human Betrayed Them & Took Them To Vet
July 10, 2022
Cat fact: They hate going to the vet more than taking a bath.
It is very commonly known that cats are very moody and lazy animals. They love to sleep, sleep and sleep. Oh, and food comes second. Cats are little princesses that need attention and affection only when they ask for it. Do not bother them unless they come to you. Basically, we do not own cats. They own us. It is their world and we are just living in it.
The biggest crime you can commit in a cat’s law book is taking them to the vet. They despise it. You might have heard that cats have amazing senses but here is one thing that no one will tell you. It is that cats can sense when their owners are planning to take them to the vet. It is no joke. If you do not believe me, scroll down and see it for yourself.
1. Good hiding spot, Kitty.
2. Aww, poor guy.