7 Ways Cats Ask For Help & What They’re Trying to Tell You
July 10, 2022
Humans and animals (either pet or wild) all require assistance from others now and then. We humans can talk and express our feeling in words; on the other hand, nature has not given this facility to animals. All animals (especially pets, including dogs and cats) use nonverbal signals to communicate that they have some issue or need help.
It is crucial to know that animals are extremely tough and typically have a very high threshold for pain. They may express their feelings very late when the condition has worsened.
Cats are a bit shyer by nature and are less expressive than dogs. So as a feline parent, it is crucial to know “how cats ask for help .” Because if you don’t know “ways cats ask for help,” you will not be able to help your feline companion.
So in this post, we have summarized different ways “how cats ask for help,” and after reading this, you will be able to discern what your cat is trying to tell you.
Know Your Feline Friend
Before jumping to our main topic, we would like to draw attention to an important point. It is vital (especially if you have recently adopted a new cat or a new pet parent) to regularly spend time with your feline friend. Observe him closely because cats express their feelings by making different sounds and behavioral changes.
However, every cat has a distinct personality, and it is possible that a sound or behavior that is normal for one cat may not be typical for another cat. So knowing your cat as an individual and what is normal for your cat is crucial. Furthermore, knowing what is normal for your cat, you can easily detect any minor change.
Let’s have a look at seven different “ways cats ask for help.”
1 Not Grooming Itself
Have you ever wondered why your cat’s coat is shining all the time? Cat by nature like cleanliness and lick their body after regular intervals to clear all the dust and debris from the body and keep their coat shiny. We call it self-grooming, and even the laziest cat will spend a few hours daily grooming itself.
If your cat’s coat is unclean, dull, and entangled, it is evident that all is not well for your cat. In such a case, your cat may be ill and too weak to groom itself or has become too old. Whatever the case may be, it is a clear call for help that needs to be addressed right away.
2 Meowing And Other Sounds
All of us are familiar with the typical cat “Meow”; however, remember that cats only use this sound to communicate with humans. They never meow at each other. Some cats will be noisier than other cats. Cats may make a variety of sounds, usually in different situations.
They may be hungry (asking for food), feeling lonely (want your attention), in pain (asking for help), or want to warn you about something. So if you closely notice your cat’s sounds, soon you will be able to distinguish between different sounds and will be able to understand what your feline friend wants to tell you.
So when you hear that your cat is making a sound that he does not usually make or meowing more often and louder than routine, you need to see the things deeply.
3 Change In Behavior
Generally, cats like to follow a routine and never deviate from it without reason. So if you see even a minor change in normal behavior or habits, your cat undoubtedly wants to say something or ask for help. For example, if your cat is not going out of your room or trying to spend more time with you than usual, he may be afraid of something outside or maybe depressed and want to spend more time with you.
On the other hand, if your cat is not allowing you to pet him or trying to avoid your company, he may be ill and not feeling good (Just like humans, when we are not good, we don’t want to interact with others.)
4 Not Using Litterbox
Generally, cats don’t pee outside the litter box if you regularly clean the litter box and replace the litter. Occasional accidents are ok, but if your cat is peeing outside the litter box often, that is a sign of something wrong with your cat.
Suppose your cat feels pain while peeing due to URT (Urinary tract infection), bladder or kidney stones, and constipation. In that case, he may link it with a litter box and may try to find another pain-free place. It is also possible that your cat is feeling depressed (due to any reason) and wants to attract your attention.
Whatever the case may be, it is also observed that cats mostly urinate on things that you commonly use to attract your attention when they are in a problem.
5 Third Eyelid
It may be surprising for you that a third eyelid is also present in cats. It protects the eyes from dust. Usually, it is visible only when your cat is very relaxed, or it will bulge out from the lower side of the eye when you pull the upper eyelid.
However, if it is visible when your cat plays, is active and alert. In that case, it indicates something wrong with your cat’s eye (like local inflammation, conjunctivitis, etc.), or there can be a general infection.
6 Refusing To Eat Or Eat Weird Things
Like humans and other animals, cats also need a well-balanced and high-quality diet to maintain their stamina and live a healthy life. Although cats are considered demanding, sometimes they may not even eat the most delectable feed. However, if your cat is refusing to eat continuously or very often, he may be suffering from digestive disturbance or something wrong within its oral cavity. Similarly, drinking water more or less than the routine indicates some medical issues.
On the other hand, your cat may eat objects other than its diet (like paper, thread, small toys, plants, rubber, etc.). This also signals toward a medical condition called pica.
So you need closely observe your feline friend’s eating and drinking habits, and you need to contact a vet immediately if there is a change.
7 Aggressive Behavior
Typically cats are very affectionate and love to play with their owner and other family members. However, if they suddenly become aggressive without any apparent reason, it is evident that they are in pain or suffering from anxiety.
It is also possible that they were showing some signs of illness or were trying to communicate, but you were unable to detect or respond timely, and they show aggressiveness as the last option to tell you that they are in a problem and need your help.